Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gone Postal - First Monthly Challenge Failure

I've been subdued... by a postcard, or rather by 30 days of postcards.  After five successful months of 30 Day Challenges, I've met my match with a daily letter.

The first week and a half were relatively easy as I was on holiday in Bali (more to come on that separately) and a moment or two stolen for lying in the sun, wandering around the shops, or trying to catch a wave wasn't difficult.  Back to reality in Singapore and my daily postcards were buried under lunch at my desk and late nights in the office.

The sad thing is that I really enjoyed writing them.  They felt more deliberate than an email and much more caring than a brief wall post or text message.  As the only snail mail I receive these days are bills or junk mail, with each postcard I wrote I included my postal address hoping that my surprise postcard might generate a return handwritten letter or postcard.  I was going to start a handwritten revolution! Sigh...

When I was a little girl, my Mum always said if you get bucked off the horse, the first thing you have to do is get back on again.  That's what I'm going to do.  There are only a few days left in June, but I'll approach my July challenge (caffeine-free) with renewed determination.  Boy, am I going to need it.

If you've only just joined my year of monthly challenges, this is how I got started (here).  I've been Facebook and sugar free, posted daily photos and written daily limericks, only to be undone by the simple postcard.  Oh well, better get back on that horse....

P.S. Wouldn't you know it - just as I was putting the finishing touches on this post I received an email from one of my postcard recipients thanking me for making her day with my surprise snail mail.  Hmmm... maybe I should resurrect this monthly challenge another time.  What do you think?

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