Wednesday, August 8, 2012

July 30-Day Challenge: Recaffeinated

Oh I how I have missed my (sometimes twice or thrice) daily double shot macchiato.  It's great to be back!

I actually fared a lot better than I expected - no headaches, no sleepiness, just an extreme jealousy whenever I saw someone drinking a cup of joe.

Initially I didn't actually think I felt/saw any benefits of my caffeine-free month, but after digging a little deeper perhaps I did.  I certainly slept well in July.  I fell asleep quickly, and slept deeply, but that could also be because I was travelling and working so much that I was exhausted.  I didn't notice reduced anxiety (was I anxious before?), but my energy levels were pretty high and I didn't succumb to afternoon sugar cravings as often.

But aside from tasting damned good, my daily coffee is improving my memory, warding off Alzheimer's and helping me recover from my morning boot camp sessions.  Sounds like three pretty good reasons to stick to my double mac.

August's challenge is to go dairy-free.  One week in and I'm missing my breakfast yoghurt and have had to painfully pass up two delicious meals involving buffalo mozzarella - one of my favs.

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