Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 5: 2,231 Words

16% of time gone, 4.5% of word count reached.  At this early stage every decimal counts!

I'm on my way!

Technically this is my first full day of actual writing since procrastination forced me to allocate four days to outlining.  Doing an outline is brilliant, I have to say.  I feel like I know where my story is going, although I have grave insecurities on my plot line.

Initially I'd planned to keep the whole thing under wraps and do the 'big reveal' at the end, but somehow Sander convinced me to convey the storyline.  He's damned persuasive when he wants to be!

Anyway, my self esteem was crushed when, after an admittedly quite drawn out explanation, he responded with an 'interesting', and that's it.  'Interesting' for Sander is code for 'yeah.... nah...'.


I contemplated changing my storyline (to what?), or adapting some well used generic plot line into erotic fiction (so current!), but in the end decided to stick to the story that had been swimming around in my head since February.

Frustratingly, work has exploded lately, dramatically cutting down both daydreaming and writing time (constructive daydreaming!).  However, I will not fail this challenge, so I'm setting myself a new routine of getting up very early (5.30am this morning) for a cup of coffee and a few paragraphs, going for a run (my thinking time) to plot out my next literary attack, and then a few more paragraphs over breakfast before work.  This meant I busted out around half my daily word count target before Sander was even out of bed!

Ok, I'm keeping these progress reports brief because I've now been sitting at my computer for a grand total of thirteen hours and everything is becoming a little blurry.

Until next time...

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