Thursday, October 27, 2011

Silent Singapore Streets

Early morning is the time to be out on the streets in Singapore if you want to enjoy the relative quiet. With shops open until 10pm, family-filled hawker centers humming towards midnight and 3am movie screenings you'll fall asleep waiting for the evening lull. The morning streets however are empty, and I would not be surprised to see tumbleweed.

You'd expect that, on a deserted sidewalk, the sound of my pavement pounding (not to mention my puffing) would be enough to alert stray pedestrians but apparently not.  Groups walking three abreast seem to be especially inattentive.  The number of times I have had to duck off the pavement or stop and say "excuse me" really loudly to avoid collision with single or group of pedestrians is staggering.

Perhaps they, like Singapore, are actually asleep. Sleep walking?

Or perhaps I need to invest in a little bicycle bell to ring as I approach people?

Silent Singapore Streets


  1. Becs, you need those shoes the Singaporean kids have...the ones that squeak as you run!! Rach x

  2. That's a good idea Rach, although I'd quickly lose my marbles I think. But then I might not worry about the pedestrians - double win!

    Good luck today!
