Thursday, December 22, 2011

I can do anything for 30 days right?

I can do anything for 30 days right?

That's what I thought when I saw this TED talk by Matt Cutts. Immediately my imagination was flooded with all the things I could try for 30 days... How exciting! I was inspired in three short minutes. The concept is a mental tug of war for me given that I am not a fan of repetition, have been known to have the attention span of a goldfish but love challenges and the lure of trying something new.

It also struck a chord due to a book I read earlier in the year during my introspective 'what the hell do I want to be when I grow up' period called the Pursuit of Happiness by Gretchen Albrecht. My friend Jess thought it might help in figuring out what makes me happy... sounds simple enough, right? Well, trust me, when you're considering it from a work standpoint, it's not! 

Anyway, I digress, but before I depart completely, read this book!  One of the things it highlighted to me is that I often do things which I think I 'should' do/like (past study/career choices, abstract art house movies), rather than focusing on the things which I actually do like but feel I shouldn't (Harry Potter, Twilight, eating a whole bag of soft natural licorice). The acknowledgement of that self truth actually brought me to tears at one stage.

So, back to it...

This is one of the reasons why my blog is called Step One
(image from

As we near the end of the year it seemed a perfect time to set myself up with a few 30-day challenges - why not one challenge a month for 2012?

Here are my ideas - I think I have a good mix of exclusion (challenge), and inclusion (new things).

  • January - no Facebook (except to post blog posts - I'm dreading this already...)
  • February - take a daily photograph
  • March - go sugar free
  • April - post a daily blog
  • May - write a daily limerick (I love writing limericks)
  • June - floss my teeth every day (I work in Oral Care - I know it's important)
  • July - email (or snail mail) a friend or family member every day
  • August - 30 day yoga challenge
  • September - go alcohol-free
  • October - no caffeine
  • November - write a novel for Write A Novel Month
  • December - listen to a new song every day

The list isn't final, I'm sure I'll be inspired by something along the way.  Some of them I'm frankly terrified by.

What would be on your list?  

Do you want to join me in some of mine? I'd love some company!!


  1. First of all..I LOVE the idea...secondly, OMG I have to think of a list for myself but I think it sounds fantastic and I am even looking at borowing some of your ideas if I may;)
    I'll obviosly take some of the easier ones..go sugar free, alcohool free, email a friend or family,take a photograph...then trade some of the writting stuff for something more suited to my abilities ;) I'll give it some deeper thought tonight and then post my list tomorrow ;)
    Thanks for the inspiration chica ;)xo

  2. Laura you're so welcome! Of course you can borrow from my list - I'd love to see how your list turns out - I might borrow some from you in return!! We can keep each other motivated and check in on boot camp mornings. Merry Christmas, and happy list writing!!

  3. Cool Bex. I admire you're determination! I'll be interested to see how you find it. I have written down the book title that you mentioned and will try to get it out of the library for some holiday reading.

  4. Your determination. Perhaps I should try proof reading for 30 days?!

  5. Inspiring Bex! I am working on my list and will share it with you when we see each other again soon.

  6. Great idea Becs! We have started bread Jan, fried food free Feb...Rach xx

  7. Awesome Rach! Maybe I should have done Facebook Free For February... it has a better ring to it - too late now though!

  8. I'm on alcohol free jan although I have to admit I've already changed it to two glasses a week out of boredom!
    Anna c-h

  9. Every little bit counts Anna! Facebook deprivation is tough... I feel very out of the loop, but on the upside I've made more of an effort getting in touch with people, so I guess it's working!!

  10. This is so cool! I shall join you in the March challenge! :) there will be a broody person sitting across from you during the month of march! :D :D

    1. Awesome! We can keep each others spirits up and hold each other back from the chocolate :-)

  11. Oooo Bex this is so good. I can't join all of your challenges, but I would love to try no sugar for a month. I am also going to be resurrecting my website/blog so could join you in April too. Alcohol free is also a possibility I just don't know if I could do it though. I am on my 4th day of AFD's and am already not sure I will make the two weeks I promised myself....

    1. Brilliant Kate - I miss your blog. Let's do sugar-free and daily blog posts together.

      Another 30-Day Challenger decided that she'd aim for a month, but if that got too daunting she reserved the right to rephrase it to a fortnightly challenge, but then if that was proving difficult, she'd do a week. As a last resort, it was to be a weekend challenge, so at day 4 of AFD you're doing well!

  12. Oo excitement, I'm going to do take a daily photograph I think! Will start today, doesn't have the convenience of a calendar month but I want to do it while I'm in BA! xx
