Monday, April 2, 2012

April 30-Day Challenge: 1st Daily Limerick

A daily limerick?  Are you nuts?  What's a limerick? Why?  These are a sample of responses I've received to April's 30-Day Challenge.

Am I nuts?  Perhaps, but the 'why' is an easier question to answer.  Limericks have been a part of my life since I was teased by my little sister with this charming ditty.

There was a fat lady from Mecca
Whose name was Flabby Rebecca.
Whenever she ran,
She looked like a van,
And sometimes a red double decker.

Since then I've penned a verse or two from time to time, so a daily limerick seemed a stretching, but fun challenge for April.

Here's number one, dedicated to Kathy - the original utter butter nutter.

The delicious creamy goodness of butter,
Can't help but set my heart all a flutter.

On piping hot toast,
Margarine can't come close.
Yes it's true, I'm an utter butter nutter.

Photo by Robert S. Donovan (Flickr)

I can't believe I'm about to start my fourth 30-day challenge.  Click here to read the background to my crazy plan.  Join me in a few!


  1. From one utter butter nutter to another
    There simply is no other
    That can beat the cover of some butter

  2. My response!

    True......I was ONCE a real butter-nutter,
    but, my heart flutter turned to a stutter.
    Cholesterol too high!
    I heave a deep sigh,
    cos, my butter is now in the gutter! :-(
