Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 30-Day Challenge: A Month Without Caffeine?

Coffee... that wonderful, wonderful legal stimulant.  

Coffee has an almost ritualistic place in my life.  I come alive in the morning with the smell of it brewing, I down a chilled one before heading to boot camp sessions, it’s a reason to get up from my desk and stretch my legs, or a crutch after not enough sleep and it’s an endless search for a decent cup in Singapore.  You can imagine my trepidation about going without it for a month – it’s not as simple as just switching to decaf, because that still contains caffeine, just a lot less.

Turns out I was completely over dramatising my caffeine dependence as I haven’t had the expected headaches and I’ve managed to get through hangovers, jet lag and going back to work with surprising ease.  I do miss the taste of coffee, the ritual aspect, and how comforting a strong, milky cup of tea can be.  I’ve been substituting in herbal tea – green, peppermint or fresh mint, rooibos with milk and current fav ginger and lemon with a bit of honey (I have a sore throat).

With two weeks to go, I have plenty of time to try new flavours – any suggestions?  I’d love a real ‘pick me up’ combo to have in the mornings with breakfast.

What challenge are you doing for July?


  1. Lemongrass and Ginger.
    Passionfruit and mango.
    Lemon and Ginger.
    Green tea and Ginger.

    I actually did July without my usual strong morning chai (without meaning to) and fared better than I expected. I don't miss it and I'm on the search for new flavors with kick as well!

    1. A fellow ginger lover, I see! I'm going to give those a shot, starting with lemongrass and ginger - yum!
