Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Balkenbrij - Balken What?

During our trip back home Sander decided to share a small part of his family Christmas ritual with mine and treat everyone to balkenbrij.

"What's that?" you may ask. Good question!

Well, I'd say that it is a pork hock and liver meatloaf, but then you'd probably be put off and wouldn't try it. So I'm going to say that it is a rather unusual but delicious Dutch food and share it with you.

This is not a recipe that you whip up quickly after work mid-week. If your pantry and fridge are diverse enough to contain pork liver, pork hock, buckwheat flour and a mincer then you are only half way there.

Balkenbrij op Huninkse Wijze (Balkenbrij – Hunink Style)


·         Pork hock (500 gr)
·         Pork liver (500 gr)
·         Buckwheat flour (500 gr)
·         All spice (2 tbl sp)
·         Salt (1 tbl sp)
·         Pepper (1 tbl sp)


In a large pot simmer the pork hock for around three hours, with an onion, carrot, and bay leaf. Reserve the liquid. In another pot, simmer the pork liver for approx 30 minutes.

Mince all meat and return to large pot.

In the large pot over a low heat mix in buckwheat flour, salt, pepper, all spice and enough stock to make it a boiling and bubbling broth.

Stir constantly for at least a minute while flour cooks (muscle and elbow grease required). The mixture should look like a Rotorua geyser except thicker (ie bubbling/plopping and grey).  If the mixture becomes too thick add some hock cooking liquid.  The mixture should let go from the pot and stick to itself.

Serious elbow grease required - or someone
else to hold the pot while you stir

Transfer the mixture in a loaf tin (dampen sides with water first), and push down the mixture to flatten it out.  Cover and leave to set in the fridge for 24 hours.

Before cooking slice the loaf into 5mm slices.

Heat butter in a frying pan and fry slices, turning so golden on each side.

Eat as soon as the slice cools enough so you don't burn your tongue (it's about right when you don't burn your fingers trying to pick it up).


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