Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Few Things

It's the little things right?  And at the moment there are a few little things that I'm loving.

Ticking It Off The List

I love lists, and I love the satisfaction of crossing an item off my list.  Sometimes I even put a small task I've done already on my list just so I can cross it off.  One things which has been on the list for a while is getting a frame for our Mark Rothko poster.  Added bonus - the frame was only $29 from IKEA.

I think it looks fabulous - the red really pops in our previously almost exclusively white bedroom.

 Mark Rothko meet IKEA

Incidentally, there is a really great list iPhone app called Zenbe.  With a quick press of the 'sync' button, the Dutchman and I have a live shopping list.  And it has a really satisfying tick box to check those items off.

Singapore Cafe Crawl

For a nation that is pretty obsessed with food, it's quite hard (rephrase: nearly impossible) to find a place which does good brunch and coffee.  Two friends (the Italian feasters) and I are endeavouring to hunt these places down one macchiato at a time.  Yesterday we went to Loysel's Toy - somewhat randomly located, but great coffee and sandwiches.  I'll head back - I want to try their omelet (the ultimate test in my opinion). 

Chicken/mango/curried mayo and
beef/caramalised onion/rocket/dijon

A Long Lusted-For Purchase

In Haji Lane there is a small furniture store which started my obsession with shop houses (a subject for another time - trust me, you don't want to get me started).  I have been lusting after this lamp for about two months (a very long time for me to hold out) but couldn't quite justify it. 

Yesterday it became mine.

Finally mine!

I love lighting - it's critical to setting the atmosphere (our apartment is filled with lamps and candles).  I really miss my three-headed lamp back in New Zealand.  It used to be my Mum's, so it ticks the boxes for both vintage and straight up cool.

Lovin' Bloglovin'

This website has changed my blog-reading world.  All the new posts for the blogs I follow in one spot - so simple, so easy, so wish I had found it earlier.

Have I had my head in the sand this whole time?

My First Official Retraction

Yesterday's post mentioned the Dutchman's love of the snooze button.  He very pointedly reminded me that he has been up at 6am or earlier for the last four weekends in a row in order to play golf.

My apologies.

But why am I loving this?  Well, firstly I love that he reads my blog, and secondly I love that he thinks his golfing mornings are the rule as opposed to the exception.

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