Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Skimping on the Zzzzzz's

I don't think I'm getting enough sleep at the moment. I swear I used to have more energy and bounce around from place to place (potentially very annoying for some people).  If anyone asked me how much sleep I needed each night, I would say a solid eight hours, but I'm probably averaging around seven.

So why am I not sleeping? 
  1. Well, for starters my bf is a night owl, often not going to sleep until 11 or 12pm.  This has a two-fold impact - I stay up late hanging out with him, or I go to bed on time, but when he comes to bed I wake up. 
  2. Which brings me to my next point - I'm a light sleeper.  I wake up at the drop of a hat at the best of times, but over the past two weeks I've really noticed this.  Reinforcing this is the fact that my bf has some very vivid dreams where he wakes up and either sits bolt upright in bed, or actually gets out of bed, and involves me some how - saving me from a 'snake' in the corner of the room, or thinking I'm a stranger in bed with him... things like this.  Whilst it's endearing that he's protecting me from danger, it means I often wake up with a start.  Over the last two weeks this has occurred at a much higher frequency (almost every second night) - perhaps it has something to do with him starting a new job?
  3. I'm addicted to my iPhone and playing scrabble on it.  I'm completely obsessed with an iPhone app called Words with Friends, where you can play scrabble against anyone else with this app.  I have about four games on the go, so it's always my turn.  Often I lie in bed playing scrabble on my iPhone instead of reading a book or going to sleep.  Somehow I think this can't be good for falling asleep.

Note to BF:  I've just re-read my three points - it sounds like I'm blaming you for my lack of sleep... I'm definitely not!  Just feel like I should mention it, since I know you read this  :-)

Being the geek that I am, I thought I would look into this sleep sufficiency lark...

In the short term, lack of sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury. In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality.  \


Apparently, tips for a better night's sleep are:
  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day - including weekends.  Hmmmm... this is definitely a tough one, not sure I can manage weekdays AND week nights by 10pm... what about a social life?!
  2. Establish a regular routine for bedtime (bath, reading etc) and avoid stressful/competitive activities.  Scrabble fits well into the competitive activities (I usually can find a way to make everything competitive)... and I will admit that my iPhone addiction is reducing the time I spend reading... ok I'm going to give this one a go - no iPhone/scrabble before bed and I will read instead
  3. Avoid alcohol close to bedtime.  Hmmm... also not very good at this on weekends. 
  4. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex.  Hmmm...not bad - except for the iPhones...
  5. Have a dark, quiet, comfortable and cool sleeping environment.  Check.
  6. Have a comfortable mattress and pillows.  Check
  7. Don't eat 2-3 hours before bed - not so good at this...
  8. Exercise regularly, but not a few hours before bed.  Check
  9. Avoid caffeine.  Check - I can't really drink coffee after lunch time because it keeps me awake!
  10. Don't smoke before bed.  Check - don't smoke.

Ok, so the two small things I'm going to try are: (1) iPhone away and read a book before bed, and (2) try to go to bed earlier.  Sounds simple - almost too simple...

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